Basic knowledge of aluminum
Aluminum is a kind of light metal, and its compounds are widely distributed in nature. The content of aluminum in the earth's crust is second only to oxygen and silicon. Among the metal varieties, alu...【点击详情】
Four major application areas of aluminum foil
With the vigorous development of my country's automobile industry and the continuous increase of automobile aluminumization rate, the market demand for automobile foils is increasing rapidly. There ar...【点击详情】
The new website is online
The website of Bailibao Aluminum Foil Packaging Factory in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City is online【点击详情】
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Contact Us
- Mobile phone number: 13360148618 Mr. Liu
Mobile phone number: 13809687968 Miss Deng
Fixed phone: 0760-22551944, 22277884
Address: 3 Meiwei East Road, Taifeng Industrial Zone, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province No